These are videos of projects I’ve worked on in the past. I’ve used primarily Unreal Engine 4 and also Unity.
This was my final project that I made for my Game Engine Pipeline course. It was inspired by a video game idea that I've had since high school where it's the first arc of that story where you have to break out of jail in a medieval setting. I actually learned and practiced using Unreal Engine for the first time in this course. I would say the one challenge I had was at the end where I couldn't insert my character creator model on the dummy in Unreal Engine, but I am proud of how this project ended up.
Treasure Hunt
This is the final project for my Game Design II course. What inspired me was my love for fantasy. I learned how to integrate planned paths onto AI and I fiddled with how to add new things into premade asset packs. I also increased my experience with Unreal Engine 4. There were much more challenges with this one like the aforementioned planned tracks. I wanted to add another weapon type but couldn't get it down in time. The final door wouldn't open in playtime, but it would in the editor. I still think the game came out fine. Unpolished, but fine.